Sunday, 27 March 2011

Spring is here at last

The fine weather over the last week has been a welcome change after what seems to have been such a long winter. The fields around Austwick are full of new born lambs and the Curlews are back in the valley with their distinctive warbling call.
There was lots of excitement on Tuesday when we learnt that a light aircraft had crashed into the side of Ingleborough on Monday evening, both occupants miraculously escaping with a broken ankle and nose. Apparently a night navigation training flight from Blackpool to the north east had gone astray along the way and flown into the mountain in the dark. I dont think the pilot passed the test!
The mountain biking is fantastic at the moment, very dry and fast (and therefore clean!) and the trails are very busy with riders of all ages. My new road bike arrived at last, having been on order since last November, a Cannondale Carbon Synapse - very nice. Now to get some road mileage in as well in preparation for the Dales Etape in May.
Guest numbers are starting to pick up nicely and we are looking forward (if that's the word) to another busy season.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Limestone Country in the Sunshine!

Finally managed to do a walk we have wanted to do for a long time. parked at Malham Tarn and followed the Pennine Way past Water Sinks and along Watlowes to the top of Malham Cove. A brilliantly sunny day, very warm, feels as though spring has finally arrived. This really is spectacular limestone scenery. Not difficult to imagine the glacial water coursing down here before pouring over the edge of the Cove like a Yorkshire Niagara Falls - magnificent!

Saturday, 12 March 2011

3 Peaks

Have managed to get a trip on the road bike today, around Ribblehead, Ingleton and home. Quite a few 3 Peak walkers on the road up to the viaduct at Ribblehead, walking for the Children's Society apparently. Some of them were walking down the road from the Station Inn to the Hill Inn, meaning that they were missing out Whernside altogether! It's quite early in the year to be walking the route because of the short daylight hours, they probable decided on a change of plan to get back to Horton before dark.

Wood View guests coming back now, been to Ingleton Waterfalls, Settle to Carlisle railway and Malham. a good time had by all, at lesat the rain held off until late afternoon, as forecast

Friday, 11 March 2011

The first posting!

Well, this is the start of the Wood View blog, intended to keep you all up to date with events and happenings at Wood View, Austwick and the 3 Peaks area of the Yorkshire Dales. We hope to be able to update the entries on  a weekly basis, but if we are a bit slow in the very busy summer months you will have to forgive us!

So what's happening at the moment? Unfortuantely it's raining, but that is nothing new for this part of the world, it's all part of the charm of the area. We are just starting to get busy with visitors and the bookings are coming in fast for the summer.

David & Chris, his biking partner, are trying to build up the mileage in preparation for the Yorkshire Dales Etape on May 15th, but the wet and windy weather is not very conducive to cycling, off-road or otherwise. There is also the longer term ambition of riding the Tour Mont Blanc in August (David has managed to get a week off work!) which is about 100 miles and 30000 feet of climbing in 4 days, so need to get extra fit for that.

This weekend's guests have started arriving, getting out of the rain, so it's time to sit them down by the fire with a cup of tea and some of Sue's home made scones.